So we went trick or treating at Boutwell's Landing last night. For those of you that do not know, this is an "old folks" home that does an annual trick or treating night where the people who live there hand treats out to the kids. The kids love it as it is another chance for them to dress up in their costumes and fill up their treat bags with junk food. I don't like it as much as it is just more candy in the house that has to slowly "disappear"when the kids are sleeping. If I don't do this it would all be in their tummies in a matter of days, which in turn makes for bad poops, and even possibly vomit - ugh (this has been the case in past Halloweens.)
Anyway, Anthony was apparently on to my plan early this morning (7:30am) as I came downstairs to find him on his couch with his whole bag of candy dumped out around him. When he saw me he said with a smile, "just one more piece mommy." I proceeded to let him as I figured it was already too late to save him from a tummy ache - the picture above does not tell all - you should have seen all the empty candywrappers on the carpet. Got to love my Anthony Thomas!