Friday, December 17, 2010


Not sure what happened, but December has flown by and I have only posted once. Actually, I take that back, I know exactly what happened; the Holidays happened.

I have been busy shopping, wrapping, shopping some more, surfing the net in search of the perfect one of a kind gift for certain someones and of course finding something only to realize it is going to take an act from God in order to get it in time for Christmas because I waited too long to order it.... You know how it goes. On top of all this gift buying/wrapping stress, we have been running from Holiday party, to Holiday party [don't get me wrong, they are fun and all, but too much of anything is never good. Yes, even Holiday parties.] And let's not forget the regular old run of the mill things going on - running to dance, hockey practice for Anthony and Lucas, play dates, and other after school activities. Oh, and the added stress of continuing to try and get Olivia potty trained and off of the Nuk. Both of which I thought I had licked in November, but it turns out Olivia is a smart little girl and understands that if Mom is crazy busy in an attempt to get a million things accomplished in a short period of time, she can grab her nuk and go to town on it all day long, or she can choose to poo in her pants, pee on the wood floor, or sometimes in her potty chair if she feels so inclined. [I know, crazy run on sentence, but it seems fitting, so I will just go with it.]

And top it all off, I received my credit card statement in the mail yesterday, and just about choked on the chips I was eating at the time, when I read the balance. For the love of everything that is good and holy was that out of control. I honestly had to go online and go through my purchases as I was convinced there had to be some mistake. Alas, I found there was no mistake.

And this is when the meltdown began.

It was a meltdown of grand proportions that entailed a phone call to the Mr. in tears, trying to explaining through my sobbing that I wanted nothing, absolutely nothing for Christmas. That I spent way too much money and I don't know how I did it as I thought I had really stayed on a good budget. That I was so upset and felt sick to my stomach as I had received the credit card statement for the month. That I was such a terrible spender and couldn't figure out where I had gone wrong. That it was all my fault the credit card bill was so high and that I was good for nothing except spending money.

Yep, I was upset and a tad bit dramatic about the whole thing. That's the way I roll, like it or not. All this was followed by the Mr. telling me it was alright, and that we would get back on track in January, and telling me to calm down and not worry....

Whew, It was a doozy.

So this is where I have been. Busy doing all the things one does around the Holiday season, trying to keep up with life as I know it, and making an effort to not lose my mind in the process. So please forgive the lack of posts as of late.

All this, and I have to say that I have finally seen the light. It is the Holiday season, and I am supposed to be enjoying this time of year. Not stressing about all of the above. So I am going to forget about it all, sit back, and enjoy it in all it's splendor.

Lord help me.

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