Thursday, January 12, 2012


My baby boy is growing up, and it makes me happy, excited, and sad all at the same time.

So very many emotions....

I am happy as it is so fun to see him grow, learn new things, and change from a baby into a toddler. I am excited as soon I will not have to deal with early morning wake up calls, poopy diapers, splashing around in toilets, and the whole getting into everything stage. And at the same time I am sad about there being no more early morning wake up calls, poopy diapers, splashing around in toilets and the getting into everything stage. I am sad that this is the last time I will see that first smile, that first step, hear "mama" for the first time. All those "firsts".

This is our last baby. For absolutely sure this time - couldn't even happen if we wanted it to. And believe me, there have been a few moments of temporary insanity where I have said, "I sure wish we could have one more." But like I said, we can't [by our own doing - ahem- snip- snip] and this o.k.

It is time to start a new chapter in our lives. I take comfort in the fact that we will be happy, excited and sad about many other stages in our children's lives, so I won't be missing out on any of these emotions. It will just be different kinds of happy, excited and sad. And I look forward to it all.

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