Thursday, December 17, 2009


My Lucas is always thinking of others. That is why I was not surprised when I found this taped to the wall right next to the fireplace.

He had decided it would only be fair to leave a gift for Santa to receive after he came bounding down that fake chimney, into our glass enclosed fake fireplace [details, details] to fill the family room with presents him and his siblings. At least this is what he thinks is going to happen. Seems that kids don't really understand this whole recession thing.

Anyway, I told him how much Santa was going to love the portrait he had drawn of him as it really was quite perfect with the hat and beard and all. I also asked him what he had ever so nicely wrapped as a gift for Santa in that nice shiny Reynolds wrap that was taped right next to the portrait. He proudly explained that he decided to give his Go Diego Go Kazoo (actually it's his brothers) to Santa as he thought he would really enjoy playing it on the sleigh while delivering presents to all the kids. Nevermind that the toy is not his to give away. I guess it's the thought that counts, right?


Anonymous said...

lucas is such a sweet, thoughtful boy....makes you proud, doesn't it?

Pajama Mama said...

What a sweetie...and yes, it is the thought that counts.