Friday, July 9, 2010


Today was the big day; the day that Anthony had his tooth pulled. I have to admit, I think I was a bit more worried about how it would all play out than he was. Just a bit....

He woke up this morning happy as could be. I figured when I broke the news that in just a few hours he would be at the Dr's office having his tooth wiggled out would take him down from his morning high. But surprisingly it did not. When I informed him he started jumping up and down squealing in delight. No jokes. He was seriously excited to have his tooth pulled - what 4 year old, or what person at any age for that matter, is excited to have a tooth pulled?

So after our discussion about it being "the big day", I decided to break the news that he would not be able to eat anything or drink anything until he got home from said tooth pullage. Not being able to eat his Honey Nut Cheerios and drink his orange juice would surely cause a meltdown. Surely.

Turns out I was wrong yet again. His response? "oh dawn-it."

He spent the next few hours playing Star Wars on the computer, patiently waiting for Daddy to take him to his appointment. When Daddy finally came downstairs, Anthony rushed to the door with his flip flops on and his backpack containing Woody, Buzz, Octopus, and Buttercup in hand. He was most definitely ready to go.

About an hour after sending him off with Daddy I received a text saying "he did great. No crying, whimpering, or anything."

I couldn't believe it, I thought for sure at some point he would break down - whether it be when they put the mask on his face to administer the "laughing gas", or when they stuck the needle in to his little gums in order to numb the area, or when the Dr. actually took that big old tool and started yanking at the tooth to get it out.... I thought something would induce some sort of fear or tears, yet nothing did. Nothing.

Shortly after receiving the text, they arrived home where he proudly showed me his tooth and his gauze filled mouth. They then headed out to Target so that he could pick out a toy for being brave. They made a final stop at the ice cream shop for a malt to soothe that sore tooth before arriving back home.

As Daddy and I talked about how it all went down, Anthony ran to find his brother and sisters to show him his missing tooth and to invite them to play with his new game [Toy Story of course]. There were lots of oohs and ahhs going around before they opened the game and began playing together. Business as usual.

I figured he would cry out for me, not want to leave the house to go, be a bit scared once he got there; something. But no, nothing of the sort happened.

He was as happy as could be, missing tooth and all.

My brave little boy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I enjoy this blog so very much. That picture of Anthony is such a keeper. So precious. Is he cute or what? And he has his favorite shirt on. What a personality he has, just think he is so funny, makes me laugh. Glad he had a good experience on his first dental visit.