Monday, October 11, 2010


The kids come home from school every day with folders busting at the seams full of papers. Some are important reminders from the teachers, some are homework assignments from days past, some are art projects, and on and on. I go through these mounds of papers each day, and most often find some really adorable things that tend to pretty much make my day.

Miss Ava came home with a few of these little gems last week:

Is there anything sweeter than your 7 years old writing you a letter? Especially a letter in regard to how much she misses you when she is at school? Talk about making a Mama feel loved and needed. Love, love, love this.

My favorites? The thing people like best about me is: "I look like my Mom." and When I grow up I want to be: "a boat seller like my Dad."

Smart little girl, no?

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