Friday, February 25, 2011


I'm here - I really am. Just busy with the day to day grind - and I must admit, I am having an incredibly hard time getting back into the swing of things after our vacation.

Vacations are always so hard for me. I look forward to them for months and months, daydreaming of sleeping in, sipping fun fruity drinks with umbrellas in them on the beach, shopping, relaxing, and pretty much not having a care in the world. Then once I actually get on vacation my brain goes into don't-make-this-ever-end mode, and I constantly find myself pouting because I only have 5, 4, 3.... days left before it is back to reality.

And let me tell you, getting back to reality this time around was as hard as ever. It's been a week since we have been home, and I am very slowly starting to feel myself come around. I think it has helped to tell myself that vacation is just that - vacation. An escape from the day to day fighting, crying, tantrums, homework, play dates, dance, hockey, and doctor appointments. All for a very, very for a short period of time. Everyone has to come back to the daily grind, whether you like it or not.

As much as I would like to keep droning on and on about how hard it is coming home, I need to go console Liv Grace - while I was attempting to type this Anthony decided to attack her with a light saber. Needless to say she is crying uncontrollable tears [which may or may not have something to do with the fact that she refused to take a nap today.]

Ahhh, returning from vacation is so much fun....

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