Sunday, January 30, 2011


20 very excited 8 year old girls + a birthday swim party = one very happy little daughter and one exhausted old Momma.

Miss Ava had her birthday party today. Swimming, cake, ice cream, and gift opening. In the midst of all that goodness there was plenty of giggling, and squeals of delight to be had by all the little girls. And let's not forget the ever coveted treat bags - the ones that I spent hours making and putting together, and if I do say so myself turned out to be as cute as ever. No, I am not above bragging over my treat bag making skills. And of course, I forgot to take a picture of them.

ANYway.... It was a good day; a very good day.

I know, weird picture, but I was trying to zoom in on those treat bags I made that are in the background. Did I mention how cute they turned out to be?

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