Friday, March 25, 2011


My Liv Grace has a very special place in her heart for treats as of late. Don't get me wrong, she has always loved them, but lately it has gotten a little out of control. So much so that she pretty much asks for a treat 20 times a day. I hear "Mommy, I want a teat." or "Mommy I am so hungry, I need a teat." Or "Mommy, can I please have a feezey?" [Freezy]

She asks all day long, and it gets old. Real quick.

I try to deter he by asking, "how about an apple?" Or "What about a banana?" When I ask such questions it most often ends in a total meltdown, with her screaming, kicking and flopping around on the ground like a fish out of water.

Seriously, this girl has dramatic down to a tee.

So yesterday, when she decided to do the whole I-want-a-treat-and-I-am-going-to-throw-a-tantrum-if-I-don't-get-my-way-thing, I ignored it, and walked away. I was surprised when the crying stopped so soon, but did not think much of it as I folded the laundry.

Later that afternoon, after I got both Liv and Nathan down for naps, I made my way into the playroom to clean up a bit. When I got to cleaning up the craft table, I found this.

Apparently, my girl decided to heck with Mom telling her "no" and took matters into her own hands. Somehow, she figured out how to open the freezer, get the scissors, and cut open the freezy all by herself. It turns out, when my 2 year old is determined, she can accomplish anything she sets her mind to.

Funny part of it all is, she didn't even eat the darn freezy she went through all that trouble to get. And most importantly, she hasn't learned how to hide the evidence of her wrong doings. She left it right out in plain sight for me to find, and clean up. Little stinker.

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