Monday, May 16, 2011


I was busy today [which doesn't really distinguish it from any other day] so I decided to leave Olivia in the playroom in the midst of a nice make believe session with her dolly's, while I got some chores done.

I wasn't sure how long she would manage to busy herself before noticing I had left the room, so I ran around in fast forward mode folding laundy, throwing another load in, cleaning a toilet, loading the dishwasher, etc.

After about a half hour, I stopped to realize she was still playing happily with her dolly's [amazing], so I decided to keep on going, and ran up the stairs to put some laundry away. After finishing that, and realizing she still hadn't come in search of me, I started to become suspicious.

I made my way to the playroom only to find her MIA. "Olivia!" No response. "Olivia, where are you honey?" Still, no response. "Olivia, Momma needs to know where you are! Talk to me." Still, no response - all that was heard was a the crinkle-crinkle sound of wrappers from someplace nearby. I immediately knew she had gotten into something, but I was not sure as to what that something was, though I knew it couldn't be good. I rounded the corner into the dining room and found this.

She had apparently learned how to work the handle on the freezer, snuck a box of my thin mints, and headed to the corner of the dining room to go to town. And go to town she did. She managed to eat half the box - can we say massive stomach ache?
When asked what in the heck she thought she was doing, she said matter of fact "I am eating your cookies Mommy, I love them."

This girl seriously keeps me on my toes.

Oh, and just so you know, she didn't get sick. Unbelievable. No lesson learned this time around....


Dominique said...

Oh yea learning at a young age, with those thin mints you gotta have a row at a time! ;0)

Anonymous said...

Unreal that brat can't keep nothing out a her mouth. Crawl over here and suck cock you little bitch