Tuesday, May 31, 2011


Memorial weekend was a very memorable one. Memorable in both a good and bad way - good in that the kids and adults all seemed to have a wonderful time. We tubed, played in the sand, stayed up late making smores and running around twirling glow sticks around. We watched movies, snuggled up for afternoon naps, ate, and ate, and ate some more. You get the idea, we had some fun.

But we also were cursed with the stomach flu. Oh the stomach flu - the terrible, horrible, no good, very bad stomach flu. It started with my Anthony puking all over the bunk beds at the nice and early hour of 3:30am Saturday morning. He puked in to the early morning hours, then took a 3 hour nap and lounged the rest of the day, only to feel 100% by early Sunday morning. BUT, just as he was skipping out of bed ready for a fun day of sun, swimming and friends, Papa Scotty walked out of his bedroom to inform us that Nanu [Grandma had it.] Poor Grandma had been up since 3:30am puking - she stayed in bed all day long feeling like death. Then, Sunday night my Liv Grace out of the blue puked by the campfire in the middle of making smores. After she was finished she looked up at me and said, "Mama, my tummy hurts. I puked." My poor girl.

The next morning we got up, packed the car and headed home in the hopes of having no other pukers. And we lucked out. My sister; not so much. Gaby ended up waking up Monday night to puke.

Needless to say, there was lots and lots of puking going on this Memorial weekend. But there was also lots and lots of fun to make up for all that terrible, horrible, no good, very bad, tummy flu that passed through the family. Lots.

1 comment:

Dominique said...

The young lady in the red sweatshirt and glasses, looks like you! I suppose cause she's your niece but she looks like she could be yours!