Wednesday, March 3, 2010


If you read my last post, you understand what a handful my Miss Liv Grace has been as far as the getting-into-everything-in-site-and-driving-momma-crazy stage goes. I decided I must write a part 2 to that story as she did something this morning that was worthy of being added.

I was busy making a cup of coffee to wake my tired self up this morning, and trying to get in a few minutes of talk time with the Mr. before he left on yet another business trip; when Miss Liv decided to strike again. She was literally up no more than an hour before she got her little mitts on the box of goldfish, planted her little butt on the carpet in front of the T.V. , and began watching Dora while enjoying a little after breakfast snack. Not a problem, right? Wrong.

Apparently she decided a small bowl full was not sufficient enough, and that she needed the entire extra large Sam's Club style box of goldfish. Not only did she need the whole box in hand, she also decided it needed to be dumped out on the carpet so as to not make it too difficult for her to get at them.

After about 30 minutes of picking up Goldfish off of the floor and another few minutes of vacuuming up the crumbs, all was well in the world. At least for the time being.

That girl is always keeping me on my toes....I wonder what will be next?


Anne and Carrie said...

I am SO right there with you!! Ryan is a one-woman-wrecking-ball...she has to be watched at all times!

Simply Mel said...

I used to have a little one who use to go through everything...but now I miss those days! :( Weird I know!

I'm a big fan of Miss Liv. She's adorable!!!

Maria said...

She is cute, isn't she? :) I told my husband the other day that she has been driving me wild lately with her getting into everything, and that she is lucky she is so darn cute! :)

I am certain as crazy at things are right now with her, I will miss those days too when they pass...

Anonymous said...

You always have to smile when you see Olivia, such an engaging smile she has, and carries that air of innocence, "Who, Me? I wouldn'tdo anything wrong,"... totally delightful, but then I don't have to clean up all her messes very often, like you do.