Friday, April 23, 2010


Ever since I can remember, I have woken up in the morning looking, well... nothing short of scary. For real. For some reason I toss and turn like crazy at night when I sleep, which results in some pretty crazy looking hair do's when waking up.

Early on in my relationship with the Mr. he would wake up in the morning in a state of shock after rolling over and getting a look at my lovely locks. After some time, the shock eventually wore off, and now it does not even phase him. I am guessing he just got used to waking up next to a woman who looked like she had just recently stuck her finger in a light socket.

Sometimes I think he is a little too used to my morning hair, my "bed head", and this has clouded his judgement a bit. Example? There have been mornings when I wake up late and have to get Anthony to preschool without time for a shower. Go figure. I am most often in a panic: "Look at me! How can I bring him to school looking like this? I will scare the other parents and the teachers." His response? "You look fine, if it bugs you that much put a hat on." This is how accustomed he has gotten.

Anyway, since Miss Liv has been sleeping a big girl bed I have noticed that she has been cursed with my horrible habits. You know, rolling around all over the bed and tossing and turning at night while sleeping, which results in some pretty horendous looking "bed head." This morning she had it the worst I have seen yet;

I may even just have to say worse than I have ever had it.

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