Wednesday, April 14, 2010


I have to admit, this special graduation of Lucas' in which he graduated from his green belt and was given his purple belt happened last month. That is how far behind I am - oops! I like to think better late than never, right?

So here is the momentous occasion documented in pictures...

Showing Dad what exactly it was that got him to the point of obtaining the purple belt.

Receiving his belt; alway such a proud moment for both Lucas and Mom.

So here we are at the purple belt. Next will be blue, then blue with a black stripe through the middle, then red to finish the program off.

Talk of the next Karate program; the black belt program, came up when we were given the breakdown of what it would cost us. Lucas did not seem overly excited about continuing on to the black belt program; which secretly both the Mr. and I are very happy about. Why? Maybe because the cost of that little program is $5500. Yes, you read that right folks; $5500 dollars.

Anyway, we are planning to enjoy the time he has left with Karate, and hope that when it comes to an end he does not change his mind and want to continue on. It is always so much easier for us parents to have children decide they don't want to do something rather than us having to tell them they can't. Does that make me a bad Mom for saying that? I hope not.

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