Thursday, March 18, 2010


It has been extremely nice here in Minnesota over the past week or so, which is really rare for this time of year. It has been so nice that the kids have been paying outside pretty much from sun up to sun down. Riding bikes, scooters, playing tag and baseball, swinging on the swing sets... You get the idea, all that summer fun sort of stuff.

You could say that this is sort of Olivia's first summer in the sense that she can actually walk around unassisted, hop on a bike and scoot around in the cul-de-sac, and even join the bigger kids when they run around the yard playing various games. She may not get what it is everyone is exactly doing, but she has such fun and manages to keep up with everyone.

She enjoys her time outside so much so that she has gotten into the habit of waking up in the morning and immediately making her way to the back door; desperately reaching for the doorknob to get outside and start her day. Problem is she is still in her pajamas, hair sticking up everywhere, a full diaper and no shoes on to boot. Not exactly the attire that is necessary to go outside in. And let's just say I am usually found in the same state of disarray; minus the full diaper of course.

Once I pull her away from the door, a tantrum ensues while I attempt to make her look decent and feed her breakfast in order for her to get on with her day. Not the easiest thing to do while one is in the throws of an all out tantrum, but I manage to get it done, and get her on her way outside.

It seems that after a week of going through this routine she has caught on to how it all goes down. This is where I found her this morning; all set and ready to get outside to play.

Shoes on, check. Clean diaper, check. Shirt? Nope. Pants? Nope. Socks? Nope. Hair combed and out of the face? Nope. Looks like we have some work to do in regard to this whole getting ready for the day thing. But I guess I need to give credit where credit is due as really, 1 out of 6 isn't bad for a 1 year old.

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