Saturday, March 6, 2010


I was in the basement a few days ago, taking on the arduous task of cleaning out bins full of old and forgotten stuff from years past. Most everything I tossed away, wondering why in the heck I ever took the time to pack it away and store it in the first place. But then I came across a bin full of tiny treasures. A bin full of notes from my girlfriends, you know the kind, the notes you would pass back and forth all day long in the hallway as you were making your way from class to class. Notes filled with the really important stuff that middle school kids talk about - you know, the Oh my gosh, Sam broke up with Suzie and is now with Tracey. And the I can't believe Matt and Sarah are boyfriend and girlfriend now. Or I am so mad at Angie because Lisa told me she was talking behind my back. All the notes ended in Your BFF (best friends forever) and WB (write back).

Oh the days....

Anyway, as I was reading through all of these gems, I had the pleasure of coming across one from my boyfriend. My very first love. Now when I say boyfriend I mean the kind that holds your hand and walks you home from school everyday, writes you love notes and passes them to you in the hall, and talks to you on the phone for endless hours each night.

That was pretty much the extent of it, but at that young age this was all too special. I remember the butterflies I would get in my stomach each time he would take my hand and walk me home. I remember racing home from school each day, wondering when he would call to talk and what sweet things he would say. I remember each time he would pass me a note in the hallway and I would run anxiously to my next class to see what he had written. Oh, the love notes....

I always melted over how he wrote my name and dotted the i with a heart.

Here we are in front of the Nativity Gym doors at recess one day. Nick Buri was his name, and boy was I ever in love. Thought it would last forever and ever - turns out it lasted about 6 months. Go figure.

Ahhh, 6th grade true love at it's finest.


KB said...

Hahaha! That is hilarious! My "first love" and I ended up at the same college and randomly ran into each other and staying in touch. It was so funny to think back to those innocent times. Aren't you glad you packed that away and stored it?

Maria said...

It is funny, isn't it? :) I am glad that I packed that letter and picture away as it was so much fun to find and read after so much time has passed....

Anne and Carrie said...

OH MY GOD NICK BURI!!!! Man he was so hot...HA! I'm tempted to go dig out some old Nativity stuff now...back when we used to alternate between calling you Mia and Ria :)