Monday, March 21, 2011


Yet another great outfit Miss Liv put together all by herself.

I don't know about you, but I am thinking she is not going to go very far with this fashion trend of hers. You know, wearing tights without anything else, say a skirt, for example. My girl loves wearing tights, but for reasons unknown to me, she will have nothing to do with wearing a skirt with said tights. Ever. Whenever I take a skirt out of her closet and gently suggest she put it on, a melt down ensues. She flops around on the ground like a wet noodle, moaning and groaning, and crying "Nooooooooo Mom, noooooooooo!" You would think I had asked her to take her entire lot of tights and throw them in the garbage for goodness sakes.

Apparently modesty is not an issue for my girl - as she has no problem running around the house, the back yard, and the cul-de-sac with the rest of the neighbor kids in nothing but her tights and a t-shirt. I guess it really is nothing to worry about as she will eventually grow out of this I-only-wear-tights-and-t-shirts stage. Now fast forward 5 years, and if she is still exhibiting such behavior, then I think we may have a problem. Until then, I think I will just go with it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

She's one of a kind!