Thursday, March 10, 2011


My baby is growing up so fast. He sits up now, rolls over, plays with toys, interacts with his brothers and sisters, laughs when you laugh, smiles when you smile..... he sleeps through the night, loves his nuky, loves Mum-mums but screams when a spoon full any sort of baby food comes near his mouth, poops up and out the backside of his diaper on average, two times a day, cries when he is not getting enough attention, loves to bounce in his Johnny Jump Up, and pretty much is the cutest darn baby on this planet. At least in this Mama's eyes.

Here you can decide for yourself....


Dominique said...

Oh so cute! You had me laughing with your expressions!

Maria said...

I know, I looked like a crazy person in the video.... But I am o.k. with that being my craziness gets him to laugh. I figure it is worth it. :)