Tuesday, September 7, 2010


It was a big day around here today as the kids had their very first day back at school. Yaaaahooooooo! Can you tell I am just thrilled? Don't get me wrong, I love my kids to death, but it was most definitely time to get back to school, and back to the daily grind so to speak.

Miss Ava, my 2nd grader,

and Lucas, my 1st grader,

anxiously awaited the arrival of the bus outside in the freezing cold. And I mean freezing - it was 53 degrees out, with misty rain and strong winds. Only in Minnesota will you find such crappy weather in early September. Only in Minnesota.

We waited, and waited, and waited some more - the bus was very late, most likely due to all the other Mom's like myself standing at the bus stop taking pictures like a mad woman as their children got ready to board the bus.

Some of my pictures while we waited:

In all the picture taking chaos, we did not even see the bus coming down the street until it was right in front of us. There it was, the big yellow bus, ready to sweep away my Ava and Lucas for yet another year of school. Every year the arrival of the school bus always results in me crying a big old puddle of tears, but this year I actually made it through with a dry face. No tears! Not to say that it was not so very hard to watch, and that a part of me wanted to run right onto that bus, say to heck with school and take them right back inside the house with me. But I knew I had to let them go -

My little first grader and second grader are off to school - and to think my Anthony will be right there with them next year to start Kindergarten. Why oh why do they have to grow up so darn fast?

1 comment:

KB said...

Oh, how I wish we were in sweatshirt weather!!! :-) They look very happy to start school- that is a plus!