Thursday, September 23, 2010


The "to do" list around this house seems to do nothing but grow bigger and bigger. As I add items to that list I always make sure to let the Mr. know about it by casually saying something like, "Gosh, you would not believe how many light bulbs are burnt out around the house. We should really take some Saturday afternoon and replace them all." Or "My goodness, the kids' bedroom doors make such an awful creeky noise when I close them at bedtime. What do you do to get rid of that -- WD40? Maybe I can pick some up." Or "When you find the time could you look for whatever tool we need to finish taking down the trampoline?" [Cause I already did the backbreaking work of removing all the springs and the outer safety cushion by myself.] Or "Darn it, Lucas tried to get his Karate bag down by himself and broke off the trim on our built in's. Can you bring home a nail gun from the shop so we can fix it?"

Most often I get a grunt as a response, which lets me know in his own special sort o' way that he is too darn busy to get to that sort of stuff. The sort of stuff that I have to look at/deal with on a daily basis. The sort of stuff I can't take care of on my own as I either need assistance with said stuff, or I am not physically capable. And that just sucks.

Anyway, my frustration has been building over this growing to do list of mine, and it all came to a head last night. No, I did not yell, rant, scream and throw a tantrum about all that needed to be done. I have done that before and it really gets me no where. I instead decided that the to do list needed to be revised a bit. Not only did it need to be revised, it simply needed a new home as the paper it was initially written on was a bit tattered and torn from being stuck to the cabinet wall, neglected for so very long.

So I sat down on the couch with paper and pen in hand, wrote out that list, and slapped it right back up on the cabinet wall.

I walked back to my couch, red wine in hand, breathed a sigh of relief and got to watching my show. Turns out letting my aggression out on paper worked quite well.

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