Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Daily prayer helps

Lord, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference..... I think that is how it goes? I am not the most religious person per say, alright I am really not religious at all (sorry mom,) but I find myself repeating this little prayer to myself when times seem to get rough around here with the kids, and it seems to help. Like earlier tonight for instance!

Anthony was sitting behind me on my chair while I was trying to get some things done on my computer, (you know important things, like "facebooking")crying and repeating over and over again "I want to play Noggin, I want to play Noggin!!" For those of you who do not know, Noggin is a website geared towards little kids that is filled with computer games, etc. Games Anthony is not quite old enough to figure out, but likes to try to play. Not the best thing to get into when he is already tired.
I said "I am sorry, mommy is busy on the computer, not right now." But that did not stop him, he is a persistent little guy.....

Anthony: "I want to play Noggin"
Mom: "No, I am busy, sorry. I think it is time for you to go to bed."
Anthony: "NOOOOOO!!!"

Mommy: "I said NO!"

Yes, this was the dialogue between my two year old and myself tonight - believe it or not. He ended up not getting to play Noggin even though he was quite persistent. This whole ordeal tuckered him out so I put him to bed, which was much needed. He is now sleeping soundly... hopefully he will feel refreshed in the morning.

Sweet Dreams my Anthony Thomas....

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