Sunday, May 2, 2010


Last night I was reminded of that song By Daniel Powder [I think that is his name] called "Had a Bad Day." You know, this guys one hit wonder that became popular a few years back by being played over and over again on the ever popular show American Idol?

Because you had a bad day
You're taking one down
You sing a sad song just to turn it around
You say you don't know
You tell me don't lie
You work at a smile and you go for a ride
You had a bad day
The camera don't lie
You're coming back down and you really don't mind
You had a bad day
You had a bad day
I kept singing it over and over again in my head last night and again this morning, paying homage to my many bad days I have been experiencing lately.

Why oh why am I having so many bad days as of late?

Maybe it's the never ending laundry that piles up.

Maybe it is the fact I can never seem to keep this house clean long enough to enjoy it, before the kids come barreling in from playing outside, messing up my clean floors and spilling juice and snacks all over the floor.

Maybe it is the fact that the Mr. is pretty much never home, and that I feel as if I am raising these kids all by myself sometimes.

Maybe it is the fact that the Mr. surprised me yesterday by telling me we would go buy my new refrigerator. [You know the one I spoke so highly of a few posts ago.] Then after going out shopping it was never actually purchased or spoken of again. Let's just say I was totally and utterly disappointed with the lack of follow through on this one. I am admittedly just like a child when it comes to things like this. You just can't promise me something, get me all excited for it and not follow through without some ramifications. Those ramifications being one very unhappy wife who spends a few days sulking and moping around the house and drowning herself in a good dose of self pity. Dramatic? Yes, but it is the truth.

Maybe it is the fact that the Mr. decided to go fishing with his friends today on one of his very, very few Sunday morning's off instead of spending that time with the kids and I.

Maybe it is the fact that our back yard has turned into a breeding ground for dandelions. Seriously. It is so bad that it seems as if when you look out the window you see more yellow than green. Beyond the dandelions, there are tremendous amounts of weeds peeking up from beneath our rock beds that need to be dealt with as well. I would love to show you a picture for your viewing pleasure, but the Mr. took my camera to work a few days back and still has not returned it. Yet another reason for me having a bad day.

Maybe it is because I have not been able to blog for a few days being that I have not had that camera I was speaking of above. Well, I could have blogged but I would not have the pictures to accompany those blog posts. This one is an exception as I need no pictures to go off on my complaining rant today.

Maybe it is because there are two rooms upstairs that need to be painted, one of which needs to be decorated within the next three months for this new baby.

Maybe it is because every time I sit down and attempt to take 10 minutes to do something simple like write a post, reply to an email, eat lunch, or simply take a few deep breaths and try to collect myself, someone yells "I am thirsty!" "I am hungry!" "Ava is being mean to me!" "I am bored!"

Maybe it is because there is so much to do all of the time and I feel completely overwhelmed with trying to keep up with it all.

Maybe it is because I feel like I am constantly running around like a chicken with my head cut off taking care of everybody's needs but my own. And as a result, I feel as if I am slowly losing little pieces of myself along the way.

Or maybe it is simply a result of all of the hormones running a muck inside this body of mine, causing my tendencies to want to break down in tears one moment, and happily skip down the street singing show tunes the next.

Don't get me wrong, I love my kids and I love my husband, and I am happy to be a stay at home Mom, I love what I do and would not trade it for the world.

But a girl has to unload every once in a while. It's good therapy.

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