Friday, May 14, 2010


It was a first for my Lucas; today he received a phone call from one of his little friends from school.

What was the reason for this phone call?

Well, of course, to tell Lucas that he received his birthday invitation in the mail and that he would indeed be coming. And that was just the start of the conversation. They stayed on the phone for over 20 minutes - with Lucas doing pretty much none of the talking. All I heard out of him throughout this very exciting phone call was, "O.K." and "really?" and "oh." Apparently Trevor is quite the conversationalist.

All in all, he seemed to really enjoy the phone call. And being the annoying Mom that I am, I was in his face much of the time with my camera, capturing this moment.

After he finally hung up the phone, I asked what they had talked about.

"Pokemon. He even read me a Pokemon book." This Trevor boy must really be in to Pokemon to be able to dominate a 20 minute phone conversation with it; no?
"Well, why were you so quiet?"
"Because he was talking so much. Oh, and he also put the phone down for a few minutes so that he could go to the bathroom."
Boys will be boys.

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