Wednesday, May 5, 2010


Mothers Day came early for me this year in the form of some gifts that I am nothing short of in love with.

First, my Anthony came home yesterday with this plant he has been growing at preschool for me. He could not help to point out the sucker that was strategically placed in the soil as well - that I was not to eat, because that part of the gift was his. As you can see, he needs some work on understanding that all parts of a gift that you so generously give to another are actually for that person.

He then presented me with a piece of paper rolled up nice and pretty with a red bow holding it together. Just as he was giving it to me he took it back and decided he wanted to open it for me to show me what it was.

Of course, I loved it. Both the plant and the art work - even though I was not allowed to open my gift, or keep the sucker. I love that little boy.

Then, yesterday the Mr. asked me to lunch. On the way he said he wanted to stop at Lowe's and check out their refrigerators. [If you read this blog at all, you will know the background on the whole refrigerator thing. If not, I will sum it up quite quickly. I want one, in the worst sort of way.]

So, we made our way into Lowe's - I was not allowing myself to get too excited as we had been in this situation many times before. We go into a store, look, ask questions, compare prices, think about it, and end up leaving empty handed. But this time was different. He actually pulled the trigger, and made the purchase. After telling the sales guy, "What the heck, we will take it." He looked at me and said "Happy Mother's Day!"

I was getting my refrigerator, and not just any refrigerator either. It was a beautiful Samsung french door stainless steel through the door icemaker refrigerator. The exact one I have been eyeing up for months.As if things could get even better, it is going to be delivered on Sunday; Mother's Day.

To top it all off, I know Mother's Day morning I will be greeted by my 4 little monkeys in bed, with a yummy breakfast that they made just for me. Along with their home made Mommy's Day cards. Looks like the best is yet to come.


KB said...

Woo hoo! Now that is a mother's day gift! Good job, Mr. Shelton!!! Make sure to post pictures of this new addition to the family!

Anonymous said...

Such a lovely gift,Anthony, such a loving little boy, and you are such a deserving Mom. Glad you and your family got this new appliance, especially the ice maker, you will enjoy it.