Friday, November 28, 2008

A day late..

So it is the day after Thanksgiving and here I am writing what I wanted to write, and post yesterday on the actual day of Thanksgiving - Yesterday was just too crazy of a day to get it accomplished. As I am sitting her typing this I am finding today may just be too crazy of a day as well. Anthony is laying on the couch yelling "Mommy, I want that!!" to every toy commercial that comes on. Ava and Lucas are wrestling each other on the carpet (just waiting for someone to get hurt), and Olivia is crying in her carseat as she is waaay over tired. Days like this are pretty normal around the Shelton household, so I guess I should succumb to the fact that this is just how it is going to be for the next 15 years. Wow, that sounds a bit overwhelming to say the least -- 15 years of all of "this"?? It guess it is all worth it though..... Alright, I am rambling and getting off course here - that seems to happen a lot with me.

Now, back to the point of this whole post. Thanksgiving. Oh it was a wonderful day. A day filled with turkey, potatoes, stuffing, loafing around on the couch, pie, more turkey, etc. In a nut shell - over eating. I love it though, and it seems like for some reason everyone gets a free pass on Thanksgiving to stuff themselves silly without having to feel bad about it.

The kids had a great time playing at grandma and papa's house, and hanging out with their new cousin Lucia (pictured above). I was sort of amazed at how interested Anthony and Lucas were in her - like they had never seen a baby before, or at least not for a long time. This is funny as they have a baby sister that is only two months younger than Lucia. Hmmm... Anyway, they had a great time and were kept occupied the whole day which was very nice for Brian and I as it gave us all the time in the world to lay around, eat, and do nothing. Here I am rambling again... So to sum it up, it was a wonderful Thanksgiving, filled with wonderful food, and spent with wonderful family.

Anywhoo, I thought it only appropriate seeing it is (was - a day late - oops) Thanksgiving to count all my blessings and think about all I am thankful for.

1. I am thankful for my wonderful husband

2. I am thankful for my 4 beautiful children

3. I am thankful that Brian loves, and is incredibly passionate about running the family business. Without his passion the business would not be where it is today

4. I am thankful that Brian works as hard as he does ( I know, sometimes - O.K. a lot of times I complain he is gone waaaay too much) so that I am able to stay at home with our kids

5. I am thankful that we are all healthy

6. I am thankful for Grandma Diane and Papa Ron for taking my kids every Tuesday so that I can have a day for "me". The best thing ever!!!

7. I am thankful for my mom - for raising me in a home filled with warmth and love. I only hope I can raise my children half as well as she did

The list is really endless. I am just so very, very, very thankful to have all that I have.

Now that I have listed all the many things I am thankful for, I thought it only fit to list what the kids are thankful for this Thanksgiving....

Ava: "the tree's." Simple, but nice.

Lucas: "my booty" hmmm...always has to be silly. I asked him for a better answer (as I felt his butt was not something to be all that thankful for.) To which he responded, " I am thankful for my family mommy." Much better.

Anthony: "I am thankful for pizza." - which does not surprise me one little bit as it is his favorite food of all time.

What a great Thanksgiving this was....but there is no more time to reflect as it is now time to gear up for Christmas!! Decorating, Christmas shopping, parties.....

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