Thursday, November 20, 2008

These little wonders

I was getting myself dressed after my shower today while having the pleasure of listening to my baby Olivia Grace coohing and laughing, (which is so much better than any music or T.V in the background.) I was happy that she was content in her bouncy chair and that her brother was engrossed in wathing Maggie and the Ferocious Beast (his favorite show of all time) on my bed so that I was able to finish up with the necessities - putting on deoderant, lotion, drying my hair, etc. You know, all the little things you take for granted being able to do in your pre-child days.:) After I finished, I went to grab Olivia from her bouncy chair when she suddenly turned to look at me and gave me a HUGE smile,and made a loud squeal - I love, love, love moments like this. Times like this make me smile and get teary eyed all at the same time. After reveling in the moment for a few minutes, I finally bent down to pick her up and whispered in her ear something I have said to all of my babies a gazillion times over "I love you soooo much Livi Grace, your mommy would do anything in this world for you."

Little things like this often have this type of affect on me, this sudden wave of emotion... this feeling of overwhelming love and affection for these little beings that I had a part in creating -that lived inside my belly for 9 whole months before entering this world. What wonderous little beings. This feeling is truly amazing.... it actually brings to mind something my mom always said to me when I was young. She would tell me everytime I came home late, or did not call, (or any other things a typical teenager will do without thinking twice) "Maria, do you have any idea how worried I was?" To which I would reply, eye roll and all "Oh mom, I was fine, geeze!" You could always here the quiver in her voice, and see the tears in her eyes as we had this conversation. I thought nothing of it at the time.... She would always end by telling me I would never understand the worry and the inexplicable amount of love that goes with having children until I had children of my own. As I walked away I could always here a great sigh of relief coming from her - knowing that I was home safe and sound. Now that I have four children of my own I can say - was she ever right!! I do still have a long ways to go before the teenage years, where most of the worrying comes into play, which I am thankful for as I do need some time to prepare. :) I pray that I am strong enough to deal with it all. Lord knows if my kids are anything like I was as a teenager I am in for a bit of trouble! But then isn't every teenager a bit "rebellious"? Looking back, I do have to say - My mom was a saint!!

Anyway, with the bulk of the worry aside for the time being, I can say that I know a ton about the love part. The love I feel for Ava, Lucas, Anthony and Olivia is a crazy out of this world type of love (frankly, is there any other kind??) Sure, there are difficult times - tantrums, whining, fighting, etc. It is certainly not always paradise around the Shelton household, but these acts of rebellion are easily forgotten when you witness all the sweet little things....oh,the sweetest things....
1. The little conversations they have between one another when they think I am not listening
2. The way they snuggle with me in the morning when they have just woken up
3.The way I can make an owey better by simply kissing it
4.Putting them to bed at night and saying "where does mommy love you to?" and having them respond without even thinking "to the moon!"
5.Going into their room at night and watching them sleep.... oh so peaceful
I could go on and on. These"little wonders" four beautiful babes. So can you see what I mean by all that other stuff being easily forgotten??

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