Wednesday, November 5, 2008

It was a momentous occasion

For the past few days Ava has been obsessed with the fact that she has a loose tooth. Every day this week she comes home from school telling me all the tales of the other kids in her Kindergarten class that have lost their teeth. One of her friends, Emily, lost - get this, 2 teeth already! Ava was just baffled by this. :) Anyway, she came home from school yesterday asking me to please pull her tooth out while she was sleeping as that is what Emily had her mom do. I told her I wanted to see how loose it was before I did that and asked her to open up her mouth so I could "wiggle" it... she obliged, and within a few seconds I had her tooth in my hand.

After the excitement of actually losing the tooth wore off she started to ask questions about how much money the tooth fairy was going to leave her. Just the other day our neighbor Tyler (who is 6) came running outside yelling "I got $5 whole dollars from the tooth fairy!!" I looked at his mom and proceeded to ask if the tooth fairy had gotten a pay raise or something - geeze, $5??? Or am I just cheap?? I remember when the tooth fairy came to my house she left a few quarters, I know it was a long time ago, but has the price per tooth really gone up that much or was my mom just cheap too?

Anyway, she went to sleep last night with her tooth under her pillow and so full of excitement I was not sure if she would actually go to sleep. Early this morning - way to early this morning - 4:45am to be exact, Ava came running into my room yelling, "mommy, mommy, guess how much money's the tooth fairy left me.... 5 dollars!!" Too cute. :)

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