Monday, February 15, 2010


The kids were nothing short of wild today. Like bouncing off the walls-screaming-running around the house-crazy type of wild. I won't go into details as to why it was so crazy, so you can just trust me. It was.

Needless to say, bedtime could not come soon enough. So I cheated a bit on the time, and at the ever so late hour of 5:30pm I yelled my nightly it's-getting-close-to-bedtime-warning "Jammie time!!" The kids happily and crazily came running for their pajamas and made their way to the family room to get dressed. [As a side note, I have to say that it is nice the kids do not know how to tell time yet, 'cause if they did I am sure there would have been an argument over why they were getting ready for bed so darn early.]

Anyway, they all got their jammies on successfully, but I must say it was not with much speed, and it was not without a bit of the "crazy" I had mentioned above. They even decided to spice things up a bit and mixed in a little wrestling and rolling about on the ground. Heck, why not - right?

I made my way to the changing table to get Olivia's diaper changed and jammies on as they went about their business. After finishing, I put Liv down to go join the crazy's in the other room while I cleaned up. A minute or two passed, and suddenly I noticed it had gotten quiet. Very quiet, except for some giggling. I rounded the corner into the kitchen and found this:

Ava and Lucas with their pants pulled up so far I don't see how that could not be aiding in giving them a permanent snuggy, Anthony with his pull up on the outside of his pajamas, and if you look real close, you will see Olivia in the background standing on a chair in the middle of the kitchen. Rocking back and forth on the chair, just asking to fall face first onto the floor.

As a special treat, I decided to add a close up of Anthony (pull up on over the pajamas) in all his glory.

Just a glimpse at the crazy going on around the Shelton house today.

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