Friday, February 19, 2010


Last week, I noticed a lull in the usual crazy loud action that is usually consuming this house and wondered what was going on. I decided to go in search of the kids to see what they were in to, as most often when it gets that quiet they are doing something they shouldn't.

I was successful in finding them in the playroom as a last ditch effort after looking everywhere else. They were all huddled in a circle in deep conversation. It seemed as if they were discussing something quite serious, so I thought I would stay back and see if I could not overhear some of what they were saying. I find that their little personal conversations (where they think I am not listening) are most often some classics. I managed to make out "let's all out our money together!" "Yah, that is a good idea, then we can get it sooner!" and " I don't know if I want to share my money." "But Anthony, it will be good, then we can all have a trampoline this summer."

And that is where it all came together. They had decided that they wanted a trampoline for the backyard, and that they were going to purchase it all by themselves by pooling all of their money together. I walked away from the door giggling, thinking how very sweet it was that they were coming up with a plan as a team in order for them to get something they all wanted.

So I sat down at my computer to do some work and waited. I waited for them to finish up their planning and come running to me in excitement to tell me all about it. It only took a few minutes for them to do just that. They quickly told me their plan, all of them talking at the same time barely able to contain their excitement. Ava even went as far as to say she would chip in her Target gift card, which she thinks is a credit card that can be used anywhere for anything.

After the explaining was done, they quickly asked for me to get all of their piggy banks down so that they were able to put all their money together. I obliged, gave them their piggy banks, and a large pot for them to store all of their money in as well. They sat in a circle for sometime shaking the living daylights out of those poor things in order to get every last cent out of them. They talked about their plan, about how fun it was going to be to have their very own trampoline, about how big it would be, and who they were going to let jump on it.... Then came the question I was waiting for. The question I knew was going to come, yet did not know how to answer: "Hey Mom, can we count our money? Do you think we have enough yet for our trampoline?"

Argh. I knew for certain they were not even close to having enough money for that trampoline now, and I knew they would not have enough by summer either. Problem was I did not have the heart to tell them that. They were working so well together as siblings, and were so proud of themselves for coming up with a plan of action in order to get the trampoline all by themselves. How could I tell them they would not have enough money by this summer, or frankly, by next summer either? They don't get that trampolines are expensive. And if you want to get a higher end, safe one, (which I do) they are even more expensive.

So what did I tell them? I said that I did not know if they would have enough by summer, but if they saved every penny and worked really hard around the house doing chores the next few months they might get close. And I also added that maybe, just maybe, if they asked Daddy really nice, he might just chip in a little (meaning a lot) to make it happen.

They seemed content with this answer and went back to shaking their piggy banks and daydreaming about that trampoline. I went back to working on my computer in the hopes that Daddy would indeed come through; as I sort of already told the kids he would. Oops!

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