Sunday, February 21, 2010


The other day I found myself surprisingly full of energy. The kind of energy that makes you feel like cleaning the house from top to bottom, getting dinner prepared early, making a dessert, and cleaning out cabinets to boot. All before lunch time.

You can imagine getting all of this done results in not spending so much time with the kids. Alright, I must admit I was so busy I was trying to stall their requests to play Sorry, Star Wars guys, and to color by simply saying "hold on", or "one more minute" (which generally means about an hour).

Anthony finally gave up and decided to entertain himself in the playroom, but little Miss Liv is not quite old enough to do so, and was starting to get very frustrated with the lack of attention she was receiving. So much so that she was lying on the floor, at my feet throwing a tempter tantrum by the time I got to mixing up my batch of Godiva Brownies. I could not stand the thought of stopping and not getting to taste the deliciousness of this heavenly treat; so I decided to plop her in her highchair and let her have at the chocolate covered spoon.

And boy did that ever stop that tantrum of hers in its tracks. She sat quiet happily for 20 minutes licking away at that spoon. Now who would have thought she would have enjoyed that so much?


Hey, what is this? It sure tastes pretty darn good....

Oops! I lost a little bit on my belly, looks like I will have to scoop it back up....

Whew, got it! I can't believe Momma gave me all this chocolate for myself, I just can't contain my happiness....

Oh goodness - in all of my excitement I did not realize how messy I was getting. It is all over my hands and arms....

Better lick my lips....

I can't get over how great this is!!

What? Why are you looking at me like that Momma?

What do you mean it is all gone???

Oh, I am so sad. I guess it was fun while it lasted, right?

It is a shame that I don't have spoons drenched in chocolate goodness laying around every time I need to get things done around the house, isn't it.

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