"Hey, look Mom! I got into my baby lotion and lathered it into my hair really well. Again!"
Thursday, May 27, 2010
OH, LIV.....
"Hey, look Mom! I got into my baby lotion and lathered it into my hair really well. Again!"
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
I cannot sew to save my life. Ava came home the other day with a button in her hand. When I asked where it came from she informed me it came off of her uniform jumper. Most Mom'sw would have smiled nicely and said something like "oh, it's alright honey. Let me get my needle and thread out and sew that right back on for you." Not me. I say "oh, it's alright honey." Then I silently say to myself, "Crap. Now I am going to have to take this to Sew What, embarrasinly admit I do not have the skills to sew a button back on to my daughters uniform, and have them do it for me."
I cannot iron. Belive me, I have tried and tried to master the art of ironing and I just can't seem to do it. I can never seem to get the fabric to lay flat on the ironing board to get the wrinkles out. Because of this I have what look like streaks of folded over fabric all over the shirt I was attempting to iron. Not exactly the type of shirt you want to wear out in public. Because of this, I found myself spending quite a lot of dough at the local dry cleaners so my husband could go off to work looking put together and respectable. Lucky for me his job now entails him wearing RiverMarina t-shirts and cargo pants all day.
I cannot wrap presents. At all - really, I am quite horrible at it. I can never seem to get the corners to fold over ever so nice and neat into a nice triangle shape in order to use on little piece of tape to hold it in place. I usually get so frustrated when at this juncture of wrapping that I simply crumble it up at the ends and use 10 pieces of tape to hold it in place. The result is a present that looks as if a 5 year old wrapped it. This is, of course an easy fix. I simply use gift bags instead of wrapping paper. Problem solved.
These are just a few of the things I am not good at.
Anyway, I was reminded of my inability to wrap presents when I looked at pictures from Lucas' birthday celebrations the other day. In particular, the pictures from when he was opening his gift from the Mr. and I. Unfortunately, this gift could not fit in a gift bag, and I was forced to wrap it. Which of course, did not go well. After I cut the wrapping paper, I realized it was not long enough to cover the entire box. Hmmmm. What to do? Cut out two square pieces of wrapping paper to cover the ends of the box that were left uncovered. After doing this, I realized I had no tape. What to do? Well, use the next best thing - masking tape.
Needless to say, the wrap job was horrible.
Lucky for me, Lucas did not care.
Who knows, maybe someday I will master the art of wrapping presents, ironing, and sewing. Until then, I think I will get by just fine.
Sunday, May 23, 2010
We had Ava's dance recital Friday evening, Lucas' friend party Saturday afternoon, went to dinner with friends Saturday evening, and finished the weekend off with a party here with family to celebrate Lucas' birthday. Talk about shoving a whole heck of a lot of things into one weekend, no? Whew.
Anyway, this party was also a big success. It is always so nice to spend time with the family, well, for the most part - Hah! Much fun was had by all, including the birthday boy.
And of course, the pencils to go with it.
Nonna spent some time showing Livi how the ever popular monkey sling shot that Papa Scotty got Lucas worked.
Then Liv moved on to Uncle Tommy and Andrea to see what they were up to... Turns out they were playing with Lucas' trick can of food he got from Auntie Cindy. You know, the ones where you say, "I can't open this, can you help?" and when you open it a snake pops out?
All my boys looked as if they were having a good time.
Yet another successful party!
Of course, I have been doing all the getting ready stuff by myself, as the Mr. is where he is 70-80 hours every week. Working. Either at one of the Marina's getting someones boat in the water, or at the shop selling a boat, or in his office going through the mounds of paper work piled up on his desk. Whatever the case, he is away from the house, where I really need him. Away from me where I am going crazy, as usual, with 4 kids in tow, trying to get ready for an event alone.
It is all par for the course though, the way things are around here so I just have to get through it in the hopes I don't lose my mind before company arrives today at 3pm. This happens every time we have a party at our house, and I always seem to make it through unscathed. So I am not worried that today will be any different, not worried at all.
Now I have to stop for a moment to point out how very ridiculous it is that I am sitting here typing away at how stressed I am trying to get everything done before Lucas's party, when I should be getting all the stuff that is making me stressed done. One important thing that needs to be taken care of in a bad sort of way is the whole getting clean thing. I need a shower in a bad sort of way, as right now I look nothing short of scary. And I would have to say Miss Liv Grace is in the same boat as I am.
While I was busy doing something - maybe washing floors, or making pasta salad, or baking a cake, or finishing laundry.... She decided to color all over her legs with a red marker, and eat a few [3 to be exact] suckers out of her brothers treat bag. Eating the suckers caused her running boogery nose to get all mixed in with the sticky sucker junk all over her face which resulted in
a really gross looking concoction to form on her face. And in her hair.
I think she is on to something here.
Alright, off to take a shower and finish preparing for the festivities this afternoon. The festivities to celebrate my Lucas turning 6. It may be a crazy, hectic, I-wanna-pull-my-hair-out-and-scream-kinda-day, but this day is special, and I am doing this for Lucas. I would have to say that makes it all worth while.
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Then we opened presents.
Then the skys cleared and I sent the boys out to burn off some energy by playing on the trampoline and swingset.
Of course there was some bribery involved. That being they could make the silliest faces they wanted for the next picture. And that they did.
I would have to say the party was a success. Happy, Happy birthday to my Lucas Alexander.
Last night was a big night for Miss Ava. She had her dance recital - the one she has been praciticing and practicing for over the past eight months.
The night before the recital we were talking about how fun it was going to be and how excited I was to see her perform. She had a great big smile on her face, and in her giggly little voice she said, "Mom, I am really, really nervous!" I of course told her not to be, that she would be fabulous, and that she should just get up there and have fun.
Turns out she listened to my advice.
Her tap dance was to I Can't Help Myself,Her second dance, her jazz number, was to Love Train.
It was a successful evening if I do say so myself. My girl happily danced her pants off, and Daddy and I had a great time watching.
Can't wait for next years show~
Thursday, May 20, 2010
turns 6 today.
Where oh where does the time go? For that I have no answer, but I do know I wish it would slow down just a bit.
Happy, happy birthday my Lucas Alexander Shelton. You are such a sweet, sensitive, loving and caring little boy. I know even though Momma does not want it to happen, you have to grow up. But as you grow, please remember to never, ever lose these amazing pieces of who you are. K?
You are truly one of a kind little boy.
Momma Loves.
Monday, May 17, 2010
Saturday was spent playing in the sand,
Doing some more swinging at the playground,
We rode bikes around in circles on the dirt road,