Friday, May 7, 2010


Every Friday Ava and Lucas come home with their Friday folders, which are full of all of their school work, art projects and other things from the week. I always take time to go through each and every piece of paper in them, as I want to see what they have accomplished and what they had learned that particular week. But more importantly, for me, I love to look through them as I almost always find one or two little gems among all the papers.
By gems I mean some sort of artwork or drawing they created all by themselves with their own little imaginations. These ones are always the best, the tiny little treasures.

Courtesy of Lucas:

It states " I am good at Karate." and at the bottom he wrote his name and his friend Andy's name. I am guessing that the portrait he drew is of him and Andy duking it out with him being the one to Karate kick his dear friend in the noggin. The result being the stars above Andy's head. Not sure as to what the object is next to them - if it is a baby, or some sort of animal. I did not ask.

This one I needed a little help with, so I asked Lucas to tell me all about this one. It says, " I got a trampoline. I like my trampoline. I like my trampoline. I like my trampoline. I like my trampoline. Lucas." I guess he really felt it necessary to drive home the fact that he likes his trampoline, and I have to say that I am happy he has that much enthusiasm for it. He should, considering he, along with his brother and sister, spent their hard earned money on it. The photo he drew is an arial view of him jumping on his trampoline. Pretty nice if I do say so myself.

Courtesy of Ava:

Here she was asked to tell all about what she did this weekend. And I have to say she did pretty good job getting into detail.

Here the kids were learning all about taxes. They spent the day being taxed on the crayons they used in class, the paper, markers, even on their lunches. They were then asked to write down how they felt about being taxed. Apparently Ava did not like it one bit, and who could blame her?

I will leave you with this last piece of artwork from Ava. I have to say it is far from what has been shown thus far. There is nothing sweet, funny, or nice [well, maybe it is a little bit funny, but I would never let her in on that little secret] about this little gem. This one she produced in the confines of our home, and I am thankful for that, as I am not sure what her teachers would have to say about it as it is a bit..... disturbing. It certainly doesn't make it alright, but Lucas must have done something to make her really mad. I will not give any additional commentary on it, as it pretty much speaks for itself.

Ahhh, children and their artwork.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Enjoyed this so much....keep it coming, love their writing and art, Lucas and Ava are close but will always bicker a bit Cindy being bossy over Brian.