Sunday, May 23, 2010


This morning has been spent running around like a wild chicken with my head cut off getting ready for Lucas' 2nd birthday party this weekend. [ his first party was yesterday with all of his little friends - pictures of that momentous occasion coming soon.]

Of course, I have been doing all the getting ready stuff by myself, as the Mr. is where he is 70-80 hours every week. Working. Either at one of the Marina's getting someones boat in the water, or at the shop selling a boat, or in his office going through the mounds of paper work piled up on his desk. Whatever the case, he is away from the house, where I really need him. Away from me where I am going crazy, as usual, with 4 kids in tow, trying to get ready for an event alone.

It is all par for the course though, the way things are around here so I just have to get through it in the hopes I don't lose my mind before company arrives today at 3pm. This happens every time we have a party at our house, and I always seem to make it through unscathed. So I am not worried that today will be any different, not worried at all.

Now I have to stop for a moment to point out how very ridiculous it is that I am sitting here typing away at how stressed I am trying to get everything done before Lucas's party, when I should be getting all the stuff that is making me stressed done. One important thing that needs to be taken care of in a bad sort of way is the whole getting clean thing. I need a shower in a bad sort of way, as right now I look nothing short of scary. And I would have to say Miss Liv Grace is in the same boat as I am.

While I was busy doing something - maybe washing floors, or making pasta salad, or baking a cake, or finishing laundry.... She decided to color all over her legs with a red marker, and eat a few [3 to be exact] suckers out of her brothers treat bag. Eating the suckers caused her running boogery nose to get all mixed in with the sticky sucker junk all over her face which resulted in
a really gross looking concoction to form on her face. And in her hair.

Yet she seems to still be happy.

I think she is on to something here.

Alright, off to take a shower and finish preparing for the festivities this afternoon. The festivities to celebrate my Lucas turning 6. It may be a crazy, hectic, I-wanna-pull-my-hair-out-and-scream-kinda-day, but this day is special, and I am doing this for Lucas. I would have to say that makes it all worth while.


Anonymous said...

So funny, we can hardly stand it...she is such a nut!

KB said...

LOL! Sometimes there has to be sacrifices to get our business done. Looks like little Miss was happy to take one for the team!