Thursday, August 26, 2010


Since Nathan was born I have taken on the ever fun for me/annoying for him roll of snapping an obscene amount of pictures - with him being my subject matter. Pictures of him sleeping, taking a bath, sitting in his bouncy chair, being held by his brother, being held by his sister, laying on his blanket, even pictures of him crying - most likely in protest to all the Godforsaken pictures I am taking.

As I did with my other 4 monkeys, I have once again become best friends with my Nikon D40. I never leave home without it.

This all makes me think of myself as a member of the Paparazzi. A person who is obnoxious and annoying as ever when it comes to snapping pictures, but has a knack for getting some really fabulous shots. Alright, the fabulous shots part is something that occurs every once in a blue moon for me, but when I do get one it makes it that much better.

This afternoon I was busy taking on my Paparazzi role, snapping picture after picture after picture of Nathan in the same pose, in the same outfit, and in the same location. I know, ridiculous, but I just can't help myself. He is so darn cute. In fact, he is the cutest almost-1- month old baby ever. [ I know, I know, annoying statement. But I am allowed to say that, I am his mother after all.]

Here is a sampling of those pictures:

Hellllooooo cuteness. No?

Another sweet picture of my Nathan with is eyes peeking out from underneath his hood. Not my intention at all, but when I am holding a baby in one hand and trying to snap a picture in the other, perfect pictures are hard to come by. Heck, they are hard to come by when I have nothing in my hands but the camera.

Not the greatest shot, looking like he is getting tired of the camera in his face, no?

And here is the fabulous shot of the day. My almost-1-month-old sticking his tongue out at me after what was probably the 70th flash of light his poor baby eyes had taken as a result of me snapping an obscene amount of pictures.

This was when I decided it was time to put down the camera, quit the whole Paparazzi thing, and give the little guy a break. At least for today.


KB said...

Hahaha! That is great! I, too, am guilty of being the paparazzi. My kids actually groan when I pull out my camera.

Anonymous said...

Just darling pictures, and I too think he is the cutest baby..and I wouldn't be prejudiced. Keep up the good photography. You have some outstanding shots.