This commercial makes me laugh.
Lately I have been feeling a bit ho-hum. Like I am crabby for no real big reason - I mean I am crabby for a lot of little reasons, but not one single big one. That sentence really did not make much sense now, did it? But you catch my drift, no?
Some of the many [many] little reasons:
My house is dirty - floors need to be scrubbed, toilets need to be scrubbed, bathrooms need a deep clean in a bad sort of way, but I have no time. I can't keep up. I have mentioned this fact to the Mr. about 17 times [no joke] and he has told me each of those 17 times that he would call those house cleaners he has been talking about and get them on a bi-weekly schedule to get over here and do that scrubbing I can't get to. 17 times later, still nothing.
There are 2 laundry baskets full of clean clothes, one load in the dryer waiting to be folded and one load in the washer waiting to be put in the dryer. And I feel like I just put away three laundry baskets full of clean clothes yesterday - oh wait, I did.
The kids' playroom is an absolute mess. All of the time. I get it; it's a playroom and it should be played in, but they insist on dumping out each and every bin of toys onto the floor. And the worst part of it is that they play with it all for a matter of 10 minutes or so and then walk away. All done. No big deal. Except that this results in not being able to walk in the room without tripping or stepping on some sharp toy that makes you want to yell out every single obscenity known to man. So I clean it up on a daily basis, tell them to NOT dump every damn bin on the floor, but to instead play with one bin of toys, clean it up, then play with another, and clean it up. Seems simple, right? Not so much for the kids.
Nathan does not like to nap anymore, so getting any of the things mentioned above done during the day is bordering on impossible, which frustrates the living daylights out of me.
Liv is in the process of potty training, and while she is doing a fabulous job she seems to have an issue with the whole going #2 on the potty chair. So what does she do? She poo's in her pants, which you can imagine makes a huge mess and results in me having to bathe her on a daily basis.
Miss Ava's social life is getting a bit out of control. I realized this last weekend as I was on the phone organizing play date's and in the car driving her to and from events. She had a play date Thursday, went to a movie and had dinner with a friend Friday, had a play date and sleepover Saturday, and another play date all day Sunday. Seriously - she is 7.
The boys had hockey pictures last night which entailed me filling out order forms, dressing them from head to toe in all their hockey gear, hauling sticks, gloves and skates and both boys over to the High School, where I finished getting them ready only to have two picture taken of each of them. The whole getting ready thing took about 30 minutes, the picture taking took about 5. Thank goodness Grandpa came over to watch Liv and Nathan and make sure Ava got dressed and ready to be picked up for dance. Otherwise I would have been nothing short of screwed.
Speaking of dance and hockey... Ava has dance Mondays and Wednesdays and the boys have hockey every single weekend. Lucas Saturday and Sunday, Anthony sometimes Saturday, sometimes Sunday. 3 hours of hockey every weekend - and come January, Wednesdays will be added to the schedule.
I could go on and on.
And to top it all off the Mr. is off in Vegas for a long weekend, relaxing, drinking, gambling, sleeping in, eating good food, and hanging out with adults, having adult conversations. Lucky him.
Me? I am at home Cleaning, scrubbing, washing, putting away, running, going here, going there, doing this, doing that. I'm holding down the fort, per usual.
So all this, and much, much more, is what is giving me that ho-hum kind of feeling, that I-am- crabby-for-a-whole-lot-of-little-reasons-and-not-so-much-one-big-reason. And that is why I posted that video above. It has nothing really to do with this post at all, except for the fact that I have been crabby and it made me laugh. And I needed that.
It's the little things.
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