Monday, November 29, 2010


Nathan has been getting a lot of tummy time lately. You know, working on strengthening his neck muscles, looking around from a different vantage point, playing with toys and the like. And Miss Liv loves having tummy time right along with him, which would not be a problem if she didn't feel the need to be pretty much right on top of him while he practiced this fine art.

He tries to reach for a toy? Liv is right in his face trying to give it to him. He tries to turn his head to look at something, and all he sees is her little mug. He tries to turn his head the other way, and all he sees is the same, her little mug. He tries lifting his head up higher to see the T.V. or Christmas tree lights? She decides to give him a big old bear hug which results in him not being able to hold his head up and having his face smooshed into his blanket. This all results in him crying uncontrollably, and then usually spitting up all over the place. Poor little boy.

As you probably can imagine, tummy time doesn't last very long when she is around. So that is why I was so surprised when Liv actually kept her distance yesterday. Don't get me wrong, she was right next to him pretty much the entire time, but she was not actually on top of him, which was good. It's not much progress, but it's progress nonetheless, so I'll take it.

Turns out she decided to back away a tiny bit when she noticed he had indeed spit up. All over his blanket and all over his sweet little face.

After round two of the spit up, she was no longer in site. Turns out she loves her brother as long as he is not covered in spit up. And it seems as if Nathan is just fine with this. I take that back, he seems downright happy about it.

Not to mention, I think he is on to something - spit up, and my sister leaves me alone.


KB said...

That is just so cute!!! It is so fun to see them developing into best buddies!

Dominique said...

Oh my word wasn't she just your baby! Where does the time go? He's so big now! Precious!