Saturday, January 22, 2011


My Ava Marie,

Where oh where has the time gone? My girl, my first born, today you turned 8.


I simply can't believe it. You are growing up way too fast for your Momma, could you please slow down a bit?

Alright, I know that's not possible, so I guess I will just have to cope with this whole growing up thing you are doing by celebrating the heck out of this very special day every. single. year.

This year I think we did just that - with all of your brothers and sisters, and your very best friend; Emily. We had three yummy meals, all of which were chosen by you. Waffles topped with syrup, whipped cream and strawberries for breakfast,

ham and cheese, chips and carrots for lunch,

and hamburgers with seasoned waffle fries for dinner.

We sang Happy Birthday not once, not twice but three times - one song at each meal. 'Cause really, why not?

We danced to Justin Bieber, we sang a little "Never Say Never", we danced some more, and some more. I stopped to make dinner, while you, Emily and your brothers and sister kept right on dancing the night away. I tell ya, there was one heck of a bad case of Bieber fever going around in this house. After all the dancing, you and Emily decided it was just too hot inside [go figure], and went running out in the garage giggling like crazy, in tank tops and leggings barefoot -just to cool off.

You opened presents, and were excited to find Littlest Pet Shops, Zhu Zhu Pets, a new swim suit, some lipstick, body glitter and other treasures.

You played Littlest Pet Shops with Emily, and sat up in your room for hours giggling and whispering. Oh, to be a fly on that wall....

We all made special hats to wear for the end of night celebration, where we sang Happy Birthday one last time, ate cake and ice cream, and drank lots of juice.

We ended the night by getting everyone snuggled up in their pajamas and into their beds to watch a movie, before drifting off to dreamland.

I think it is safe to say we said our goodbye's to your 7th year in style, and I can't wait to see what year 8 will bring.

Happy, Happy Birthday my Ava Marie. Momma loves...

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