Wednesday, January 5, 2011


My Lucas has had 4 lose teeth for some time now; two of which have been so very loose that I have tried to convince him to pull them out on his own. I tried explaining that when they are that loose it really doesn't hurt at all to pull them out.I tried explaining to him that if he didn't, they could fall out while he was sleeping or eating and he may not know. I tried explaining that if this did indeed happen, then he would not have the tooth/teeth to give to the tooth fairy. To my dismay, he wanted nothing to do with this whole idea. So when he came running in the door from school yesterday with a look of pure joy on his face, I was sure I was proven wrong - he had lost his tooth/teeth and actually had it/them in his possession.

Before he could get his jacket off and backpack on it's hook, he yelled out, "Mom! I finally lost my tooth!" As he opened his mouth to show me, I noticed things weren't as they should be.

Two teeth were missing. I decided to hope for the best, and believe that maybe in all of his excitement he had forgotten to mention that he had actually lost 2 teeth, not just one.

"Don't you mean you lost two teeth?"

Insert very long pause

"No. I only lost 1 tooth Mom."


"Hmmm. But you have two teeth missing."


As he stood there trying to put together how in the heck he could have lost another tooth and not noticed it, Ava walked up to see what all of the commotion was about.

"Open up Lucas. HAH-HAH-HAH!!! You really did lose 2 teeth - how did you NOT know that? HAH-HAH-HAH!!"

I quickly stepped in so as to stop the angry fight between brother and sister before it started, and said, "he probably swallowed it when he was eating lunch and did not even notice. No big deal. It will just come out in his poop later."

Ava found this little tid-bit quite amusing - Lucas, not so much. She laughed and laughed saying "Your tooth is going to come out in the toilet in your poop! EEEEEWWW!!" That's my Ava for you.

After coming to terms with the fact that he indeed would not be putting that second tooth under his pillow that night, he decided to make his way to the bathroom mirror to access the situation. A moment later, he walked out with his head down and very dramatically said, "I did lose two teeth. How will the tooth fairy know that I lost 2 teeth when I only have one of them? I will only get paid for one tooth! That is not fair!"

I came up with a genius idea to write the Tooth Fairy a note in order to fill her in on the situation. What can I say, I am quick on my feet like that.

I had Lucas come up with the content, I wrote it, and we both signed it. You know, to help convince the tooth fairy that we were indeed telling the truth. [Lucas was concerned she may think we were lying.]

Whew. Crisis averted.

Before tucking everyone in for the night, Lucas placed his tooth, along with the all important letter, neatly underneath his pillow and then decided he needed to go to the bathroom. 20 minutes later [the kids takes his time], he came out of the bathroom and said, "Hey Mom, I just pooped and my tooth was in it!"


Hoping against hope that the answer was yes, I said, "did you flush it?"

"Yep. We wrote the tooth fairy a letter, so I didn't think we needed it."

Smart little boy I have; if I do say so myself.

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