Tuesday, January 25, 2011


We've been having lots, and lots of these kinds of days around here lately...

Lots of 'em.

These lovely photos displaying my girls penchant for temper tantrums as of late, all came from one day. Yes, one single day - Ava's birthday to be exact. She melted down when she couldn't have one of her sister's presents,she melted down when she couldn't help open her sisters presents, she melted down when I put a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and chips in front of her for lunch [apparently she did NOT want chips on her plate], she melted down when she couldn't play with Ava and her friend up in their room..... You get the idea, she melted down left and right.

All day long.

And it was exhausting.

Unfortunately, this was not just one "bad day" for my Miss Liv. She has been having bad day, after bad day, after bad day around here. Not certain why, maybe it's a phase she is going through, maybe she is testing me to see what she can get away with, the "maybe's" abound.... But one thing I know for sure is we need to nip this in the bud, like NOW. I love my Liv Grace, but she has to stop, or this Momma may just lose it. For real.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Her face when u shove dick up her ass without lube