Sunday, January 10, 2010


The Mr. has been spending some time at the ice rink with the kids teaching them how to skate. Each time they arrive home they run in to the house with smiles on their faces proud as can be to tell me all about how well they did. I am never able to make it to watch them skate as I have to stay back with Miss Liv, who is still a bit too young to strap on the ice skates. So I told The Mr. today to bring along the camera to get some pictures of them so I could witness their success.

He did follow through, and actually came home with something better. A video of Lucas and Anthony ice skating.

I must admit, I was pretty impressed with how well they were doing as this was Lucas' second time skating and Anthony's very first. The Mr. mentioned it was really not all that hard and that kids do generally catch on pretty fast when it comes to ice skating. This surprised me as I tried to ice skate when I was little and never really did master the skill. I was that awkward one you see out on the rink, hands straight out to the sides, ankles bending inward, slowly trying to make it across the rink without falling on my face.

Whatever the case, everyone seems to be happy. The kids are happy that they are finally learning how to skate [they have been asking to learn now for 2 years], The Mr. is happy that the boys are well on their way to becoming little hockey players, and I am happy simply because the boys were fortunate enough to not inherit my horrible ice skating skills.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good for them, Good for the Mr., and good for the Mom. I too found skating difficult,blamed it on weak ankle muscles. That's my story and sticking to it.