Friday, January 15, 2010


Living with 4 little kids makes it pretty much impossible to keep this house looking nice and put together.

Our off-white carpets (I have yet to understand why the previous owners of this house would have installed white carpets in a house where kids resided) are totally ruined. So ruined you can't even attempt to clean them any longer. Our walls are smudged with little handprints, dried splatters of chocolate milk from spills I missed, and some nice wall art done with crayon courtesy of Liv Grace. Our couches have been peed on, puked on, spit up on, drooled on, eaten and spilled on. Our wood floors have dents and nicks from the kids racing, and dropping heavy toys on them. The list goes on and on.

Most recently we have noticed that the two drawers that house all the kids arts and crafts and electronic equipment (PSP's, chargers, Leap Frogs, etc) were starting to show some wear and tear. Well, not just some, a lot. The whole front of both drawers were pretty much ready to fall off. The Mr. has talked about fixing them for some time now, but just has not had the time to get around to it. And unfortunately, I think it is too late.

Yesterday Ava went to get her PSP out of one of the drawers when I heard a crash.

"Mom! Look what happened!"

I turned to see what had happened - When Ava went to pull the drawer open the whole front of the drawer, handle and all, ripped off of the rest of the drawer, and landed on the floor in front of her. Turns out one of the drawers decided it could not hold out any longer for the Mr. to come and make the repair.

So now I have a drawer that houses all of the kids electronic toys, phone chargers, and other such things open for the whole world to see. And knowing my husband (love him dearly), and his track record as far as fixing broken things goes, it will stay this way for a very, very long time.

Just another thing to add to the Honey Do list. What can you do? Nothing, really. Just wait, and pray that the Mr. will get to this project (and the many more that can be found on that list) sooner than later. And I can remind myself that one day, these kids will be grown and won't have the propensity to break, stain, or ruin everything in their path. One day.

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