Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Today was not a good day. As that little kid Alexander said, it was a terrible, horrible, no good very bad day to be exact.

It started with me waking up a bit late, as some how the volume on my alarm clock was turned down so I was unable to hear it when it went off. I am guessing this was courtesy of Miss Liv, as she enjoys playing with my alarm clock during the day.

After rushing to get myself and all the kids ready, I decided to be the best Mom that I am and run to SA to get the kids a doughnut before school. So I hoped in the car and slowly backed out of the garage - all of a sudden there was a loud crunch. I quickly found out the crunching sound came from me running into my lovely husbands gargantuan trailer attached to his truck. Apparently he was too tired last night to drop the trailer back off at the Marina, so he brought it home with him. Not a problem if he would have warned me it was there, or if I would have walked out of the garage and looked before pulling out to see it was there. But of course neither of these things happened.

I got out of the car to assess the damage. Turns out I have a nasty scratch and large dent in the back side of my car. Lovely. Off I went to get the doughnuts.

After the kids snarfed their breakfast treat down, I got Lucas on the bus, and left Ava in the care of Dad so that I could get Anthony and Liv to Grandma and Papa's in time for me to turn around and get to Maplewood by 8:45am for my Glucose test. Anthony cried the entire way to Grandma and Papa's as he had forgotten his orange juice at home. He continued to cry when I dropped him off, and was making it nearly impossible for me to get out the door. I finally managed to sneak out and began making my way to Maplewood for my appointment. I was making good time until traffic came to a dead stop on 694, 5 miles before my exit and 10 minutes before I was supposed to be at the Dr's office.

Things were not going well.

By some miracle, I was able to make it to my appointment. I was 10 minutes late, but I made it. I sucked down that lovely syrupy tasting garbage as directed and planted my butt in the waiting room for an hour to wait. The time finally came for the finger prick and glucose test. And what do you know, I failed. I was upset to say the least. Although my day was already going so horribly, I guess I should not have been surprised. So what did this mean? 3 hour glucose test at the hospital is what it meant. I cried, no, sobbed the whole way home. Not just because of the failed glucose test, but because of how the day was going as a whole. And it was only 10am. I was not sure what to expect next.

The Mr. called as I was mid melt down and attempted to calm me down as I ran through how horrible my day had gone thus far. He suggested we meet for lunch, and I agreed. As we were getting ready to eat he broke some more bad news. My tire was flat. Apparently when I ran into his trailer, scratched my car to hell and dented it, I also slashed the tire which resulted in it going flat.

So, after lunch we made our way to Tire Proz to get it fixed. We dropped it off and were told it would take 3-4 hours to fix. My afternoon to run errands was lost - I just added that to my list of things that were going wrong.

I decided to make the best of it and just relax on the couch until Lucas got off the bus. At about 2:40 I made my way out front to wait for his bus to arrive. At 2:50 I was wondering why his bus was late. At 3 o'clock I began to worry a bit. By 3:15 I was beginning to panic. Where in the heck was my child? Did the bus driver get wasted and drive the bus into a ditch? [I know, a little irrational] Was there an accident? Was the bus broken down somewhere with Lucas scared and crying on it? I finally got a hold of the bus company to find out where my child was. After holding for a few minutes, I found out his bus had broken down in the school parking lot, and that an alternate bus was on its way to pick the kids up and bring them home. Finally, 40 minutes late, Lucas arrived home safely.

At 5pm my lovely neighbor drove me down to Tire Proz to retrieve my car, while my other neighbor watched my kids for me. I assured her it would just be 10 minutes. Of course, I get there and they say my car was so out of alignment [whatever that means; I did not ask} that it had taken them a lot longer than they expected. So I sat and waited an additional 30 minutes for my car.

Once it was done, I raced home to pick up the kids and get to Grandma and Papa's to get the two youngest arriving 45 minutes late. Amazingly the drive over there and back went without incident. I am truly surprised by this seeing how my day had gone thus far. Truly surprised.

And that was how my day unfolded. Now that constitutes a terrible, horrible, no good very bad day - does it not?

Tomorrow morning I have an appointment at the hospital bright and early for my 3 hour mind numbingly boring Glucose test. Wish me luck, 'cause Lord knows I will need it.


Brian said...

Cars are just cars and they can be fixed.
Without the bad days, how would we appreciate the good ones? Tomorrow will be better!

Your Hubby

Anonymous said...

And the test was "passed"...and the car can be fixed, always something, hoping you have a good weekend!