Monday, April 26, 2010


I mentioned a while back that the kids had decided to pool all of the money they had gotten as birthday gifts, all the money they had saved up in their piggy banks, from doing chores, and all that jazz in order to buy something big. Their idea of something big? A trampoline, a hot tub, an in ground pool, an electric scooter,they had so many ideas.

I ever so slyly pushed them toward saving for the trampoline as I thought it was an attainable goal. They seemed happy with this choice and went about continuing to add to their savings.

Last week they asked me if we could go to the bank to see how much money they had. So we all packed into the car, extra large durable ziploc bag full of coins in hand, and headed to the bank. While we waited for the bank teller to give us a total, we decided to make a guess as to how much we had. Lucas guessed $101, Anthony said he did not know, Liv knew nothing of what was going on, Miss Ava was still at school, and I guessed $150.

Finally the lovely teller returned with a total - $178. Combine this with the cash they had at home and they had saved $380 dollars. Heck, $380 is a lot of money to this 33 year old Mom, can you imagine what the kids thought of that much money? They had a look of such pride on their faces; and I have to say Mom was incredibly proud as well. To think they had decided all on their own to share their money with one another, and continue to save and work hard together to get something they all wanted. They get their trampoline and learn a great lesson in the process. Win, win in my book.

Of course, after they found out they had enough money to actually make the purchase, they would not leave Dad alone. "Dad, can we go get our trampoline today?" "Dad, how about now?" Dad, when do you think you will have time to get our trampoline?" "Dad, you know we have enough money for our trampoline now, can we pleeeeeease go get it?" He finally relented and headed to good 'ol Sams Club to pick up the kids ever coveted trampoline. And of course after he got it home and into the garage the kids did not waste a minute starting in on him again: "Hey Dad can you put the trampoline together?" "Maybe after dinner can we do it?" " Dad, I really want to jump on our new trampoline." "Pretty please can you do it now?" "How about now?" This time Dad relented within hours, and put the trampoline together. Now that's one smart man I married.

As we were putting the finished touches on it before we would let them jump, Ava said

"Wow, this is so cool."

"You really like your new trampoline, don't you?"

Yes, but it is so cool that we saved up all our own money and bought it."

The Mr. and I both smiled.

Finally the trampoline was ready for all of our little monkeys to jump on. The Mr. and I sat back and relaxed as we watched them happily bouncing around together.

Miss Liv was out of her mind happy to be able to jump, and of course, Miss Ava was found laying on the trampoline pouting as she could not jump high enough with Liv on it. Woe is me, woe is me.....

She finally came around.

As we were heading in for the night, I overheard the kids talking about saving up for something else. I jumped into the conversation asking what they wanted to save for. Their response? "A hot tub!" Dad and I both looked at eachother thinking the same thing - now that would be something we would love. And of course, also that is going to take a whole heck of a lot longer to save up for than that trampoline did. But we decided not to ruin their excitement and said, "Sure, that sounds great! Maybe Mom and Dad will even help save for that one."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great story of cooperation, saving for a goal,... and such excited kids! Hooray for the Shelton family!