Saturday, April 10, 2010


Lucas and I were sitting out front this afternoon, enjoying the nice weather when I decided to break the news that a babysitter was coming over tonight.

Which one Mom?

Ali, the one that lives straight across the street from us. You remember her.

He seemed to still not know which babysitter I was talking about.

You know, the one that walks past you at the bus stop every day on her way to the Highschool? Chad and Riley's sister?

Oh! I know her. But how do you know that she walks past me at the bus stop every day?

Because I watch you out the window until you get on the bus.


Because I want to make sure you get on the bus alright.

Do you watch Ava get on her bus too?


What do you think will happen if you don't watch us? Do you think a stranger will come and try and get us in their car? [I admit, we have had way too many conversations about not getting into cars with or talking to people we don't know. I am a tad bit neurotic about all that]

Well no, I just want to see you get on the bus. [I have say that the real answer would be yes, but I did not feel right telling him that.]

If a stranger did try and get me in his car would it be alright to use my Karate moves on him?

Yes, of course. Do you think you could get him away from you with your Karate moves?

Yes. [Long pause]. But if I couldn't would you bring me out my bo so that I could use that on him?

I turned in my chair a bit at this comment so as to hide my laughter and smile. Like I would be watching this all unfold out the window and do nothing to intevene. Until, of course, I noticed he was in need of his bo. Right? I turned back to him once I gained my composure.

Yes, I would bring you out your bow. But do you hit people with your bo or do you just spar with one another? I thought you sparred with them, like you do at Karate practice and that would mean the stranger would need a bo too.

No Mom, you hit them with it. I would stab him in the face first, and if that did not work I would stab him in the neck. If he still wasen't dead [as if being stabbed in the face and neck with a sharp object would not result in his death] I would stab him really hard in the stomach.

Oh, I see.

And we left it at that.

The imagination of this 5 year old boy never ceases to amaze me.

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