Friday, April 9, 2010


For some reason every single pair of jeans I purchase for my boys end up looking like this within months of being purchased.

Nothing of the sort happens to either Ava or Liv's pants. Ever. Just the boys. And I know I am not alone as every other Mom that has had the pleasure of having one or more sons empathizes with me and knows. They are all the same. They can't seem to keep a pair of jeans hole free for more than a few months; and none of us Moms can figure out why.

Each time Lucas or Anthony has left the house in the morning for school all neat and tidy and ended up coming home in the afternoon with a huge hole in the knee of their pants I question them.

"What happened?"

"What do you mean Mom?" Followed by a blank stare, such as this:

"Why do you have a huge hole in your pants?"

"Oh, that? I don't know, it just happened."

"How? Did you fall on the playground? Skid across the gym floor on your knees? Take a pair of scissors to them?"

"No, I don't know how it happened, it just started out as a really little hole this morning and then got really big by the end of the day."

This is usually how the conversation goes every time. And every time this is when I shake my head in frustration, sigh and walk away thinking of how many hundreds of dollars I have managed to spend on jeans and how many more hundreds I will spend before they are able to purchase their own.

Boys; you've gotta love 'em.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It was always a mystery to me too, but it has to do with the way they play. They get on their knees to play with cars, just watch them on a playground, the boys are rougher.