Tuesday, September 7, 2010


Before the kids arrived home on the bus this afternoon Dad called saying that he would be home in time to watch them get off the bus. He and I thought it would be fun for them to see us both waiting when they arrived home after their very first day of school. After getting off of the bus, we thought it would be fun to hang out just the 4 of us, have a snack and talk about their first day. You know the stuff - Did you like your teacher? Did you make any new friends? What did you have for lunch? Did you get some homework? Tell me all about it!

When the bus finally arrived,

and they hopped off, I could tell right away that the day was a success.

I could also tell from the look on his face, that Lucas was getting pretty sick of all the pictures I had been taking. And I was alright with that.

I ran excitedly toward them to give them hugs and ask all about their first day, and what did they do? They ran right past me and into the house.

When I finally caught up to them they were half way up the stairs.

"Hey! Aren't you guys going to tell me about your very first day at school? I want to hear all about it!"

"We are going to change and play with everyone outside!"

"But tell me about your first day!"

"It was fine." was what I got from them as they continued on their way up the stairs.

"What did you do?"

Lucas: "I don't really remember."

Ava: "We don't have any homework. Can we play outside?"

Seriously? This was Ava's very first day of 2nd grade and Lucas' very first day of 1st grade - not to mention his very first day at a new school. And this was all they had for me - I don't really remember what we did, it was fine, and Ava completely ignoring my question with a response of we don't have any homework can we play outside?

I am beginning to think this whole first day of school thing is a much bigger deal for Mom and Dad than it is for the kids. No?

1 comment:

KB said...

I love the lapse in memory between the classroom door and the car. I love that they did nothing memorable. I love fishing answer out of them. I LOVE that when Grandma asks, they spill thier guts! Argh! :-)