Tuesday, July 6, 2010


Boys will be boys - they like to fight, wrestle, karate chop each other, play light sabers and swords [quite violently in my opinion], put each other in headlocks, and just plain play rough with one another. So when one of my boys comes in to the house from playing outside in a puddle of tears, I am never very surprised. I do as I always do - I ask what happened knowing full well that one of the aforementioned acts was being played out, someone went a bit overboard and it ended in an injury.

About a month or so ago when one of these injuries occured, I went through the motions.

Anthony came in to the house crying.

"what happened?"

"Lukey's head ran in to my mouf when we were jumping on the trampoline! Owwwwwww!"

"Oh, it was just an accident. Are you alright?"


I surveyed the damage and did not see anything out of the ordinary. His teeth looked just fine, nothing was loose or broken, so I assumed all was well. At dinner that night he cried saying it hurt too much to eat. I told him it was alright, that it was just sore and would feel better in the morning. And that it did.

A few weeks went by and I had naturally forgotten about the accident. That is until he came downstairs one morning, and looked at me with a big old smile that showed off a very brown front tooth. For a moment I stopped and thought I was seeing things, so I asked him to open his mouth to show me his teeth. Sure enough, it was exactly as I had seen it. He had a very brown, very dead tooth. The death of that tooth came on the day they had that accident on the trampoline that I had shrugged off. The day Lucas' head made contact with his little mouth.

If you look real close, you can see that lovely brown tooth in this photo.

I was upset.

Anthony? He thought it was the coolest thing ever. Really, he did. After I had explained to him what had happened, he wasted no time running to the bathroom mirror to see for himself. His response? "Coooool!!!"

After making our way to the dentist and getting an x-ray, it was confirmed that he did indeed have a dead tooth, and that it needed to be pulled. Or as our dentist likes to call it,"wiggled out."

The date of said tooth pullage? Friday. And he seems just fine with this - as long as he gets a Toy Story 3 toy from Target for going through with it.

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