Friday, July 16, 2010


Yesterday I decided that I had had enough of this hot, humid and sticky weather we have been cursed with the past few weeks. E-N-O-U-G-H. Seems dramatic, I know, but try being 9 months pregnant in this. Just try.

The only thing I could think of that could help relieve some of this ho-hum attitude of I-can't-stand-another-second-of-being-massively-pregnant-in-this-horribly-hot-and-sticky-weather was to go to the beach. So I packed up the towels, sunscreen, sand toys and kids and headed on down to the Beach House to cool off in the river.

We spent the late afternoon playing in the sand and water, and ended our day by joining Grandma and Papa for a BBQ.

It was a good day - the kids had fun, I had fun, and more importantly, it took my mind off of this Godforsaken heat wave we have been stuck in. Hears to hoping it breaks soon; Very soon. Or I may very well find myself a permanent spot at that beach; or at the very least, until the end of this pregnancy.


Anonymous said...

Sure glad you came....

Unknown said...

Glad you enjoyed the afternoon...we enjoyed having you come, added to the day's enjoyment.