Thursday, October 21, 2010


Someone in this house is a little over the top crazy over anything and everything Harry Potter. Or as he calls it "Haley Pada." We watch the movie every single day, sometimes twice a day. What does he want to be for Halloween? Harry Potter. What does he want to read at bedtime? A Harry Potter book. What does he want for Christmas? A cape just like Harry Potter has. At dinner time, in the car, and while taking a bath, what is his preferred topic of conversation? Harry Potter.

You get the idea, the kid is head over heels for Harry Potter.

I came downstairs tonight after putting Nathan to bed and found this:

Anthony watching Harry Potter [surprise, surprise] while acting out the flying broom scene. Or whatever it is called - I am not all that well versed on the Harry Potter lingo.

I must admit that at first, it was cute to see how deep in concentration he was, trying to "fly" the broom just like Harry was. But the cute wore off after the 15th time of him clicking the previous button on the remote in order to reenact this flying scene over and over and over again.

I am thinking that the Harry Potter movie may have to suddenly get lost tonight while he is sleeping. Just for a few days. Maybe more.

1 comment:

Beth said...

And not a jury in the land would blame you. For us it was Care Bears DVDs. Or Dora, etc. Luckily they also got "lost" in the move. It is a fun stage though, in retrospect :)