Thursday, July 16, 2009


The kids begged and pleaded with me to fill up water balloons for them this morning. I say they begged and pleaded because I really dislike filling up water balloons.


The kids tend to stand in one big line, waiting for a balloon. I fill one, tie it (which hurts the fingers, especially by the 20th tie) and place it carefully in the child's hand. I do all this only to have said child turn around, and throw the balloon on the ground, breaking it and getting back in line for another one. Throughout all of this I tend to hear from the other kids things such as "Do I get one yet?" "It is taking too long!" "You just got one, no fair!"

So, like I said, I don't like this task so much. [It is ranked up there with my dislike for pushing the kids on the swings.]

But my strong dislike for it usually does not stop me from doing it. Cause the kids really like them, and what kind of Mom would I be to say "No, I won't fill up any water balloons for you because I just don't like doing it. It really sucks." That, my friends, would be pretty poor on my part, no?

So I planted my butt on the front step this morning, and began the arduous task of filling up a bunch of water balloons. After about 20 finger numbing balloon tie's later , I handed over the hose to Ava to do some filling for me. As I was sitting there in a balloon filling induced type o' coma, I noticed something. Something strange. So strange that I had to look twice to see if what I was seeing was actually correct. Ava was standing on the sidewalk, hose between her legs, filling up water balloons. Nothing strange about that, I know. But as my eyes moved upward I noticed two small, round, bulges in the chest area of her swimsuit. I moved closer only to find that she had stuck to small water balloons in her swimsuit.

Mom: "Ava, what are those?"

Ava: "Oh, these? They are my boobies. Just the right size for little old me."


Laura said...

Ha Ha Ha....sweet Ava...that's a awesome memory :)

Anonymous said...

let me suck your boobies while my hnd goes in your bikini bottoms and finger f--ks you, soon be ready for c--k in that p---y